Tuesday 30 September 2014

Acute quadriparesis, quadriplegia, hemiparesis, hemiplegia

The nervous system is composed of billions of neurons with long, interconnecting processes that form complex integrated electrochemical circuits. It is through these neuronal circuits that animals experience sensations and respond appropriately.

Neuronal processes that transmit electrical alterations to the neuron cell body are called dendrites. Dendrites have receptor sites that receive stimulation or inhibition from outside sources. If electrical stimulation of the cell body reaches a critical threshold, an electrical discharge called an action potential develops. The action potential spontaneously travels away from the cell body along an outgoing process called an axon. When the action potential reaches the terminal branches of the axon, chemicals called neurotransmitters are released. Neurotransmitters either stimulate or inhibit receptor sites on other neurons, muscles, or glands. Although neurons may have a variety of shapes, each one has dendrites, a cell body, and an axon and releases neurotransmitters.

The peripheral nervous system (PNS) s formed by neurons of the cranial and spinal nerves. The central nervous system (CNS) is formed by neurons of the spinal cord, brain stem, cerebellum, and cerebrum.

Groups of neuronal cell bodies in the PNS are called ganglia, whereas those in the CNS are called nuclei. Nuclei form the CNS gray matter. Groups of axons in the CNS form the white matter and are arranged into tracts. The tracts are usually named after their site of origin and termination (eg, the spinocerebellar tract begins in the spinal cord and ends in the cerebellum).

PNS sensory or afferent neurons carry information such as nociception, proprioception, touch, temperature, taste, hearing, equilibrium, vision, and olfaction to the spinal cord or brain stem. CNS sensory neurons carry information to the cerebellum, brain stem, and cerebrum for further interpretation. Important spinal cord and brain-stem sensory tracts include several spinocerebellar, spinothalamic, and spinoreticular tract systems. The spinoreticular tracts begin in the spinal cord and terminate in the reticular formation of the medulla. The dorsal fasciculi gracilis and cuneatus of the spinal cord and the medial and lateral lemniscus of the brain stem are also important sensory tracts. In animals, these sensory tracts may carry fibers from many sensory modalities such as proprioception, nociception (pain), and touch. An alteration in sensation may be due to either CNS or PNS disease.

Reactions to sensory inputs are initiated by efferent or motor neurons in the cerebrum and brain stem called upper motor neurons (UMNs). The UMN axons descend to brain-stem and spinal cord segments in tracts named after their site of origination and termination.

The UMNs of the reticulospinal tracts (from midbrain, pons, and medulla oblongata reticular formation) and the rubrospinal tract (from midbrain) are important for voluntary movements of skeletal muscles in domestic animals. The rubrospinal tract mainly functions to facilitate flexors of the limbs, whereas the pontine and medullary reticulospinal tracts have either a facilitative (pontine) or inhibitory (medullary) effect on the extensors. The corticospinal tracts (cell bodies in the cerebral cortex) are most important for voluntary movement in primates. Domestic animals with severe cerebrocortical disease may suffer only transient loss of voluntary movements, because their corticospinal tract has limited influence.

The pontine reticulospinal (from the pons) and vestibulospinal tracts (from vestibular nuclei of the medulla oblongata) facilitate extensor skeletal muscle activity used to support the body. Knowledge of location and function of sensory and motor brain-stem and spinal tracts is essential to localize nervous system lesions and determine their severity. Mild spinal cord compression affects the superficial spinal cord tracts fasciculus gracilus, cuneatus, spinocerebellar, and vestibulospinal tracts, so initial signs include ataxia and extensor weakness. Important voluntary motor tracts are located in the lateral portions of the spinal cord deep to the spinocerebellar tracts, and paresis or paralysis develops with moderate spinal cord compression. Because many tracts are involved, loss of nociception from the periosteum of the toes and tail (deep pain) occurs when spinal cord lesions are bilateral and severe. This loss of nociception is also an indicator of severe cord injury because those fibers that transmit deep pain are typically nonmyelinated, slow-transmitting C type fibers, which are very resistant to pressure.

Motor neurons with cell bodies in the brain stem, and spinal cord gray matter and axons that travel in the PNS cranial and spinal nerves, respectively, are referred to as lower motor neurons (LMNs). Injury to either the UMNs or LMNs results in paresis or paralysis. Brain-stem and spinal cord reflexes are the phylogenetically oldest responses of the nervous system. When the eyelid is touched, it closes; when the toe is pinched, the limb withdraws even before conscious perception intervenes. Only a sensory neuron in the PNS, a connector (internuncial) neuron in the CNS, and an LMN are necessary for a reflex to be present. In a monosynaptic reflex (eg, patellar reflex), only a sensory neuron and LMN are present. During the neurologic examination (see Physical and Neurologic Examinations), testing brain-stem and spinal reflexes is helpful to localize CNS and PNS lesions to specific areas. If a reflex is depressed or absent, a lesion must involve the sensory nerve, internuncial neuron, LMN, or muscle at that particular site.

The autonomic nervous system is divided into sympathetic and parasympathetic portions and controls activity in smooth and cardiac muscles and glands. Visceral afferent (sensory) neurons travel in cranial and spinal nerves and sensory spinal cord tracts to the thalamic and hypothalamic regions of the brain stem. UMNs in the hypothalamus descend to LMN cell bodies of the brain-stem nuclei and sacral segments for parasympathetic control and to the intermediolateral gray matter of the spinal cord for sympathetic control.

LMNs of the sympathetic nervous system exit through thoracolumbar spinal nerves (T1 to L4) to affect smooth muscles associated with the pupils, eyelids, orbits, hair follicles, blood vessels, and thoracic and abdominal viscera. Horner syndrome (ptosis, miosis, and enophthalmos) is a common finding associated with loss of sympathetic innervation to the eye.

LMNs of the parasympathetic nervous system exit via cranial nerve (CN) III to innervate smooth muscle of the pupils and eyelids, CN VII to the lacrimal and salivary glands, CN IX to salivary glands, and CN X to cardiac muscles and glands and to smooth muscles of all the thoracic and abdominal viscera to the level of the transverse colon. LMNs of the parasympathetic nervous system also exit through the sacral segments to all the viscera in the caudal abdomen, including the bladder and colon. Sacral lesions commonly result in loss of the urinary bladder (detruser) reflex.

Also see The Neurologic Evaluation. The PNS consists of 26 or more pairs of spinal nerves that correspond to each spinal cord segment and 12 pairs of cranial nerves that correspond to specific brain and brain-stem segments.

The PNS spinal nerves form the brachial plexus to the thoracic limb; the lumbosacral plexus to the pelvic limb; and the cauda equina to the bladder, anus, and tail. Brachial or lumbosacral plexus lesions cause paresis or paralysis of a thoracic or pelvic limb, respectively, with reduced or absent spinal reflexes and reduced or absent sensation of the limb. (Also see Limb Paralysis.) Cauda equina lesions result in an atonic bladder; a dilated, unresponsive anus; and a flaccid, paralyzed tail.

Lesions of all spinal nerves (eg, acute polyradiculoneuritis) result in paresis or paralysis of all four limbs (quadriparesis or quadriplegia, respectively) with depressed or absent spinal reflexes and altered sensation of the limbs. Lesions restricted to PNS cranial nerves result in deficits associated with dysfunction of that particular nerve and no signs of dysfunction in the limbs or other parts of the nervous system.

The spinal cord of dogs and cats is divided into 8 cervical, 13 thoracic, 7 lumbar, 3 sacral, and 5 or more caudal segments. Horses and cows have 6 lumbar and 5 sacral segments, and pigs have 6–7 lumbar and 4 sacral segments. Spinal cord lesions from L4 to S2 cause pelvic limb ataxia, conscious proprioceptive deficits, and paresis or paralysis with depressed or absent spinal reflexes and muscle tone (LMN signs). Sensation may also be depressed or absent below the lesion. Lesions from T3 to L3 cause pelvic limb ataxia, conscious proprioceptive deficits, and paresis and paralysis with normal or exaggerated spinal reflexes (UMN signs). Pelvic limb sensation caudal to the lesion may also be depressed or absent. With spinal cord lesions extending from C6 to T2, thoracic limb spinal reflexes may be depressed or absent, and severe lesions may cause quadriplegia. The spinal reflexes remain intact in the pelvic limbs, but sensation may be affected.

Spinal cord lesions from C1 to C5 cause hemiparesis or hemiplegia (paresis or paralysis of the limbs on one side), or quadriparesis. Spinal reflexes in all four limbs are often preserved. Severe lesions may cause respiratory distress or arrest due to involvement of the UMNs to respiratory muscles in the C5 area.

The brain stem is divided from caudal to rostral into four segments: the medulla oblongata (myelencephalon), the pons (metencephalon), the midbrain (mesencephalon), and the thalamus and hypothalamus (diencephalon).

Similar to lesions of the cervical spinal cord, lesions of the medulla oblongata cause conscious proprioceptive deficits and weakness on the same side (ipsilateral) or both sides with normal or hyperactive limb reflexes. However, involvement of CN nuclei IX, X, XI, or XII localizes the lesion to the caudal medulla oblongata. Involvement of CN nuclei VI, VII, or VIII localizes the lesion to the rostral medulla oblongata. It is rare to have a lesion of the medulla oblongata that does not affect one or more of the cranial nerves as well as sensory and motor tracts.

Pontine lesions cause ipsilateral conscious proprioceptive deficits, hemiparesis or quadriparesis with normal or hyperactive limb reflexes, mental depression from involvement of the ascending reticular activating system (ARAS), and CN V and IV deficits.

The cerebellum is part of the metencephalon and is attached to the dorsal surface of the pons and medulla by rostral, middle, and caudal cerebellar peduncles. The cerebellum coordinates all muscle activity and establishes muscle tone. The flocculonodular lobe of the cerebellum has equilibrium functions and is considered part of the vestibular system. Unilateral lesions of the cerebellum cause ipsilateral dysmetria (hypermetria or hypometria) and a contralateral (paradoxical) head tilt. Bilateral lesions of the cerebellum cause generalized incoordination of the head and limbs, head tremors (intention tremors), and generalized dysequilibrium.

Midbrain (mesencephalon) lesions cause contralateral conscious proprioceptive deficits and hemiparesis. CN III nucleus involvement is present on the ipsilateral side and localizes the lesion to the midbrain. In large, midbrain lesions, the ARAS is affected, and the animal will be stuporous or comatose. If the sympathetic UMNs and parasympathetic LMNs are both affected in the midbrain, the pupils will be midrange size and unresponsive to light.

Diencephalic lesions can be difficult to differentiate from cerebral cortical lesions, because many tracts going to and from the cerebrum pass through the diencephalon by way of the internal capsule. The thalamus, hypothalamus, and subthalamus of the diencephalon have many important structures that alter feeding, drinking, breeding, sleeping, and other behaviors, as well as regulate body temperature. The pituitary gland, which controls many hormonal functions of the body, is connected to the hypothalamus. The ARAS projects through the subthalamus area, in which lesions also produce stupor or coma.

The telencephalon, also called the cerebral cortex, is divided into the neocortex, paleocortex, and archicortex. The paleocortex and archicortex include the olfactory and limbic regions, which provide smell and emotional reactions to all stimuli. The neocortex is divided into the frontal, parietal, occipital, and temporal lobes. The frontal cortex functions include intelligence and fine motor skills (corticospinal tract). Lesions in this area cause dementia, lack of recognition of the owner, difficulty in training, compulsive pacing, circling toward the side of the lesion (adversion syndrome), and motor seizures with contralateral involuntary muscle twitching. Contralateral hopping and placing deficits are also found with frontal lobe lesions. Ascending and descending tracts to and from the frontal lobe form the internal capsule through the region of the basal nuclei and diencephalon. Lesions of the internal capsule can produce the same signs as frontal lobe lesions. The parietal lobe (somesthetic cortex) is for interpretation of general perception, nociception, temperature, and pressure; lesions result in proprioceptive deficits on the contralateral side of the body.

Occipital lobe and optic radiation lesions result in blindness with pupils that respond normally to light. Unilateral occipital lobe and optic radiation lesions result in some degree of visual loss in the contralateral eye, depending on the percentage of crossover of the optic nerve fibers in the optic chiasm of the species (65% in cats; 75% in dogs; 80%–90% in cattle, horses, pigs, and sheep). The pupils still respond normally to light. Blindness with pupils that do not respond to light is associated with lesions of the retina, optic nerve, optic chiasm, or rostral optic tract.

Difficulty in localizing sound is hard to evaluate clinically. It may occur with temporal lobe lesions, as may psychomotor seizures characterized by hysterical running. “Fly-biting” or “star gazing” hallucinations are suspected to occur with lesions in the temporal-occipital region. Aggression occurs when the pyriform area (paleocortex) of the temporal lobe and the underlying amygdaloid nucleus are affected. Aggression can also occur with hypothalamic lesions.

Lesions of the olfactory region may alter feeding or breeding behavior. Slow-growing lesions of the cerebrum and diencephalon often result in few clinical signs because of the adaptability of functions in these areas in animals.

Disease processes affecting the nervous system may be congenital or familial, infectious or inflammatory, toxic, metabolic, nutritional, traumatic, vascular, degenerative, neoplastic, or idiopathic.

Congenital disorders may be obvious at birth or shortly after (eg, an enlarged head from hydrocephalus or an uncoordinated gait from an underdeveloped cerebellum). Some familial disorders (eg, lysosomal storage diseases) cause a progressive degeneration of neurons in the first year of life, whereas others (eg, inherited epilepsy) may not manifest for 2–3 yr. (Also see Congenital and Inherited Anomalies of the Nervous System.)

Infections of the nervous system are due to specific viruses, fungi, protozoa, bacteria, rickettsia, prions, and algae. Noninfectious inflammations such as steroid-responsive meningoencephalomyelitis and meningoencephalomyelitis of unknown etiology (MUE), formerly called granulomatous meningoencephalomyelitis, Pug dog encephalitis, and other CNS inflammatory diseases, may be immune-mediated. Until there is a histologic diagnosis, the term MUE is used.

Toxicity of the nervous system is most frequently caused by organophosphates (see Organophosphates (Toxicity)), pyrethrins (see Insecticides Derived from Plants (Toxicity)), carbamates (see Carbamate Insecticides (Toxicity)), bromethalin (see Bromethalin), metaldehyde (see Metaldehyde Poisoning), ethylene glycol (see Ethylene Glycol Toxicity), metronidazole (see Nitroimidazoles), theobromines (see Chocolate), sedatives, and anticonvulsants (eg, phenobarbital, bromide). Botulinum, tetanus, and tick toxins, as well as coral and certain other snake venom intoxications, cause neurologic signs.

Metabolic alterations of nervous system function most commonly result from hypoglycemia, hypoxia or anoxia, hepatic dysfunction, hypocalcemia, hypomagnesemia, hypernatremia, hypokalemia, and uremia. Hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, hypoadrenocorticism, and hyperadrenocorticism are endocrine disorders that can cause neurologic dysfunction.

Thiamine deficiency results in ataxia, stupor, and coma or seizures in dogs, cats, and cattle. Deficiency of vitamin B6 may cause seizures.

Trauma to the PNS and CNS causes focal and multifocal neurologic signs from physical damage, hemorrhage, edema, and progressive formation of oxygen-containing free radicals and nervous system destruction that is usually complete in 24–48 hr but lasts as long as 4 days because of the slow influx of inflammatory cells..

Vascular lesions of animals are usually due to septicemia and bacterial embolization of the CNS. Fibrocartilaginous embolization of the spinal cord is common in dogs. Arteriovenous malformations occur occasionally and cause spontaneous hemorrhages. Cerebrovascular disease from arteriosclerosis is rare in domestic animals but has been associated with hypothyroidism caused by hyperlipidemia. Cerebrovascular disease from hypertension is rare but may be seen as multiple cerebral microbleeds with MRI.

Familial degeneration of neurons occurs in lysosomal storage disorders. Degeneration of intervertebral discs that subsequently herniate into the vertebral canal often produces paresis and paralysis in dogs.

Neoplasms of the CNS and PNS are most common in dogs and cats. Astrocytes, oligodendrocytes, and microglia can all become neoplastic and form astrocytomas, oligodendrogliomas, and gliomas. Ependymal cells and the choroid plexus, which line the internal cavities of the CNS and produce CSF, also can become neoplastic and form ependymomas and choroid plexus papillomas. Meningeal cells of the dura, arachnoid, and pial membranes form meningiomas, which are common in dogs and cats. Neurofibrosarcomas are common tumors of the nerve sheaths of peripheral nerves in dogs. Lymphosarcoma is a common metastatic tumor of the PNS and CNS in dogs, cats, and cattle. Hemangiosarcoma is the most common metastatic tumor of the CNS in dogs. (Also see Neoplasia of the Nervous System.)

The idiopathic mechanism of disease is reserved for described syndromes with characteristic clinical signs, predictable outcomes, and no known necropsy findings. An accurate history and thorough physical and neurologic examinations are necessary to evaluate a problem involving the nervous system. An understanding of functional neuroanatomy, neurophysiologic concepts, and mechanisms of disease is a prerequisite for accurate interpretation of clinical findings. Based on the initial clinical assessment, 1) the anatomic location(s) of disease can be determined, and 2) the problem may be defined as diffuse, multifocal, or focal; symmetric or asymmetric; painful or nonpainful; progressive, regressive, waxing and waning, or static; and mild, moderate, or severe. The potential mechanisms of disease must also be considered to determine differential diagnoses. Further diagnostic tests include clinicopathologic tests (on serum, blood, urine, feces, and CSF), diagnostic imaging (including plain and contrast radiography, CT, and MRI), and electrodiagnostic testing.



Thursday 31 July 2014



Bone cancer can strike relatively young dogs, even as young as 5 years.

While it can affect any bone in the body, 75% to 85% of these cancers are found on the legs at the shoulder, wrist or knee joints as shown in the illustration.

The disease begins inside the bone, initially causing an intermittent lameness but eventually causing constant, deep and severe pain after just a short period (1-3 months, most likely).  The bone weakens and can eventually break with minimal trauma or pressure (a "pathological" fracture).
The following x-rays illustrate the bone changes caused by osteosarcoma


Your vet will very likely recommend an x-ray to distinguish the different causes.  Depending on the stage of the osteosarcoma, the x-ray itself can be diagnostic.  Early cases may be more ambiguous and require a follow-up x-ray in a few weeks.
If there is doubt, the definitive diagnosis can usually be obtained through bone biopsy. Other diseases causing similar changes on an x-ray include some bone infections, other types of bone tumors, and fungal infections of the bone.


Osteosarcoma is a terrible disease and managing it requires a strong commitment, both financially and emotionally.
Treatment addresses two aspects of the disease: the pain and the cancer itself.  The pain of bone cancer is thought to be greater than almost any other disease, and it is continuous, non-stop, relentless, and never-ending.  Even the strongest pain medications can fail to control this kind of pain, so it is imperative that you and your vet aggressively manage this part of the disease. Together, you must recognize when pain is no longer controlled, so you can make an appropriate quality-of-life decision.


Medical pain relief only - combinations of pain medications to control pain, followed by euthanasia when they fail to do so. The caution here is the difficulty in objectively judging pain.  It's hard to know how much our pets are really suffering, and it's easy to think because they don't scream, they don't hurt.  MOST DOGS SUFFER SEVERE PAIN IN SILENCE.  With this treatment option, life expectancy is 4 months, although pain control may well fail long before that.  You must find the courage to face appropriate timing of euthanasia.

Amputation and pain relief - while seemingly drastic, amputation provides pain relief to 100% of the dogs who receive it.  With amputation alone, the life expectancy remains at an average of 4 months, but the quality of life is improved.

Amputation and chemotherapy - this improves the life expectancy, although does not cure the disease.  With this the average life expectancy is 1 year.

Limb sparing surgery - a new technique adapted from human medicine and done at some referral centers.  The cancerous bone is removed and replace with grafted bone, and the nearest joint is fused.  This is only done on the wrist area at this time.

Radiotherapy to control pain - the tumor is irradiated and this can provide about 4 months of pain relief in about 65% of the patients.

Euthanasia - eventually it is likely that treatment will fail, the pain will overcome your Greyhound again, and the cancer will prevail. When that day comes, the final gift you can give your pet is to relieve him/her of an impossible struggle.  Euthanasia is the beginning of your grief, but it is the end of their suffering, and with this disease it is something that must be faced.


Studies are underway to try to understand and treat this disease more effectively.  One aspect of this is a genetic study being done at the University of Michigan.  If your Greyhound develops osteosarcoma, please consider the donation a small blood sample to this study.  We need all the information we can get to eventually be able to cure these cancer victims.

Thursday 17 July 2014

Tubal ligations and vasectomies for dogs?

In case you didn’t already guess it, the topic is considered a tad taboo among veterinarians. At the very least, it’s controversial. That’s because the basic spay and neuter do the job well. Very well, in fact. Unfortunately, they’re also invasive. In the case of the spay, VERY invasive.
All the same, we spay and neuter safely all the time. Typically , we spay by cutting out the ovaries and the uterus, and neuter by removing both testicles. And we’re good at it. VERY good at it. But that doesn’t mean it’s the only way to sterilize a pet. It doesn’t mean other approaches shouldn’t be considered––not for dogs, anyway.
(Additionally, please read why cats should always be spayed and neutered at six months or before in yesterday’s post.)
That’s because dogs can theoretically wait on a spay or neuter (yesterday’s post also covered this subject), but they can’t necessarily wait on the issue of sterilization––not as long as the pet overpopulation problem continues unabated, not as long as more and more municipalities adopt laws that actually require pets to be sterilized by as early as four months of age (more on this next week).
As long as these facts, cultural norms and trends persist, some form of sterilization for pets will be considered routine. But when a complete gonad removal (a in a spay or neuter) doesn’t mesh with what you and your veterinarian deem best for your dog, other less invasive alternatives may suffice––temporarily at least.
Hence the concept of vasectomization and tubal ligation.
These easy surgeries require tiny incisions and cause minimal pain––nothing compared to their standard counterparts. And they do the trick, sterilizing effectively, efficiently, and irreversibly.
So why have you likely never heard of this? It’s all about the veterinary community’s resistance to change its basic standards. Our medical culture still deems it unwise to sterilize without removing the actual source of the hormones––the gonads. The benefits of early gonadectomy still outweigh the risks of waiting (though that seems to be changing for at least some dogs).
Moreover, when we know that all dogs are best served fully spayed and neutered at some point (once they’re old enough to suffer a higher risk of reproductive diseases prevented by spays and neuters), it seems kind of wrong to force a pet to undergo two surgeries instead of just one.
In other words, pets vasectomized or receiving tubal ligations early on to prevent reproduction will also need a spay or neuter later on to prevent disease––with all the risks that entails (spays done later in life are much bigger procedures than when they’re done early).
Nonetheless, given the mandates for early spays and neuters cropping up countrywide, I can’t help but argue that some pets are best left "intact." If not because early spays and neuters might not be best, then because athletes, other competitors and some service dogs might be better at what they do when left "whole"––with a simple snip, snip somewhere very discreet.
It’s certainly not for all pets (indeed, maybe only for a small minority), but it’s nonetheless a bonus to have another option, right?



Emergency Case of the Week

Monday 14 July 2014

Anorexia in Pets

Anorexia or lack of appetite is a common complaint among pet owners. It is one of thefirst signs that owners notice when their pet is becoming ill and is a common reason for presentation of animals to the veterinary clinic. Unfortunately, lack of appetite is not a sign that is specific for any one disease or illness-there are multiple causes. The remainder of this article will discuss some of the reasons animals stop eating, some of the methods of determining an underlying cause, and some of the things that can be done if your pet decides to stop eating.

Anorexia can have a multitude of causes ranging from behavioral and environmental causes to illness. While this list is not all-inclusive, some of the most common causes of anorexia in pets are listed below.

Environmental/weather changes. Hot, humid weather conditions can cause animals
to have a decreased appetite. It is not uncommon for pets to be less active and eat
less during hot summer weather. Typically, with cooler temperatures, appetite will
improve if this is the sole cause of anorexia.

Stress and depression. Things that cause a change in the animal's normal routine
can cause some animals to stop eating. For example, the loss of a companion pet or loss of a human can cause animals to be depressed/stressed and result in lack of appetite. Other stressors such as moving, adding a new pet, the presence of a new baby, or visiting guests, can also result in anorexia.

Food change. A sudden change in diet can cause animals to refuse food, especially
if food is changed to something that is less palatable than the original diet. Slow,
gradual change between diets can help eliminate lack of appetite due to a change in diet.Food intolerance and food allergy. Like people, certain types of foods can cause
GI irritation in pets. For example, fatty or greasy foods may cause a pet to experiencegas and cramping and result in a lack of appetite. Some animals can be allergic to certain proteins contained in pet foods such as chicken, beef, wheat, corn, or soy. Animals with food allergy can have signs ranging from lack of appetite to vomiting and diarrhea.

Side effects of medications. Some long-term medications, such as medications for
heart failure (not heartworm medications) and arthritis medications, can cause GI
irritation and lack of appetite. Some short-term medications, such as antibiotics,
can cause similar problems.

Picky eater/spoiled appetite. Some pets become very picky eaters and are tempted
with human foods. This can often compound a pet's refusal to eat pet foods. Some pets become spoiled with pet treats and human foods and will become too full to eat their regular food.

Fractured/damaged teeth. Excessively worn or fractured teeth can be painful and
can cause a pet to refuse to eat. Illness. Illnesses such as gastrointestinal disease, kidney disease, heart disease, liver disease, dental disease, cancer, etc. can cause an animal to stop or decrease eating. Some of these diseases can cause nausea, which will impair the desire of a pet to eat. Some of these diseases can cause painful lesions or ulcers with in the mouth that can hinder a pet's ability to eat. Some of these diseases cause weakness, which can result in a decreased appetite.

Looking for the cause of appetite loss is the most important consideration of caring
for pets with anorexia. Healthy animals typically have good appetites. A thorough
physical examination of the pet, paying special attention to the oral cavity, lymph
nodes, and GI tract may provide important clues as to the cause. Diagnostic testing
such as bloodwork, x-rays, and GI endoscopy may be warranted. Specific testing based on the history and physical examination should be recommended by the veterinarian.

Obtaining a proper diagnosis is the first and most important step to treating anorexia.
Treating the cause of the appetite loss is critical for success. For example,
changing foods or adding moisture to the diet will have little or no long-term results
if the pet is suffering from undiagnosed cancer. Without determining the underlying
cause, many treatment options will be successful for short periods of time or completely unsuccessful altogether.

While you are waiting for laboratory testing results or early on in mild cases of
anorexia some general tips that can be tried to improve appetite include:
1) Moistening the food. Adding a little bit of warm water to dry food can stimulate appetite.
2) Heating food. Some animals will eat food better if it is warmed slightly. 3) Canned
food. For animals that are accustomed to dry food, canned food may perk up the
appetite. Mix small amounts of canned food with the dry food first as large quantities of canned food can cause diarrhea in pets that normally get dry food.
4) Changing brands or flavors of food. Moving to a higher quality and/or more palatable food may stimulate a pet's appetite. Again, mix small amounts of the new food with the regular food to avoid diarrhea.
5) Appetite stimulants. Some prescription medications are available
that can help to stimulate the appetite in some cases.
6) Change bowl shape/size.While this is often not successful, in some cases changing from a bowl to a plate or moving to a larger bowl can make a difference for a picky eater. 
7) Top dress food with boiled chicken and rice. While feeding human foods is not generally recommended, adding small amounts of boiled chicken and rice to the regular food may encourage a picky eater to finish his/her bowl. However, extreme caution should be used as some animals will not return to their normal diet once they have been tempted with human foods.
8)Try a nutritional supplement.

Pyometra in dogs

What is pyometra?
pyometra_1_2009Pyometra is defined as an infection in the uterus. Pyometra is considered a serious and life threatening condition that must be treated quickly and aggressively.

"Pyometra is a secondary infection..."
Pyometra is a secondary infection that occurs as a result of hormonal changes in the female's reproductive tract. During estrus ("heat"), white blood cells, which normally protect against infection, are inhibited from entering the uterus. This allows sperm to safely enter the female's reproductive tract without being damaged or destroyed by these immune system cells. Following estrus ("heat") in the dog, progesterone hormone levels remain elevated up to two months and cause thickening of the lining of the uterus in preparation for pregnancy and fetal development. If pregnancy does not occur for several consecutive estrus cycles, the uterine lining continues to increase in thickness until cysts often form within the tissues (a condition called Cystic Endometrial Hyperplasia). The thickened, cystic lining secretes fluids that create an ideal environment for bacteria to grow in. Additionally, high progesterone levels inhibit the ability of the muscles in the wall of the uterus to contract and expel accumulated fluids or bacteria. The combination of these factors often leads to infection.

What else can cause changes in the uterus?
The use of progesterone-based drugs can cause changes in the uterus similar to the estrus cycle. In addition, estrogen or synthetic estrogen drugs will increase the effects of progesterone on the uterus. Drugs containing both estrogen and progesterone are sometimes used to treat certain conditions of the reproductive system. Any intact female receiving hormones must be carefully monitored for the development of pyometra.
How do bacteria get into the uterus?
The cervix is the gateway to the uterus. It remains tightly closed except during estrus, when it relaxes to allow sperm to enter the uterus.

"If the cervix is open or relaxed, bacteria that are normally found in the vagina can enter the uterus easily."
If the cervix is open or relaxed, bacteria that are normally found in the vagina can enter the uterus easily. If the uterus is normal, the uterine environment is adverse to bacterial survival; however, when the uterine wall is thickened or cystic, perfect conditions exist for bacterial growth. In addition, when these abnormal conditions exist, the muscles of the uterus cannot contract properly either due to thickening of the uterine wall or the hormone progesterone. This means that bacteria that enter the uterus cannot be expelled.

When does pyometra occur?
Pyometra may occur in any sexually intact young to middle-aged dog; however, it is most common in older dogs.

"Pyometra usually occurs two to eight weeks after the last estrus."
After many years of estrus cycles without pregnancy, the uterine wall undergoes the changes that promote this disease. Pyometra usually occurs two to eight weeks after the last estrus ("heat cycle").

What are the clinical signs of pyometra?
pyometra-2_2009The clinical signs depend on whether or not the cervix remains open. If it is open, pus will drain from the uterus through the vagina to the outside. Pus or an abnormal discharge is often seen on the skin or hair under the tail or on bedding and furniture where the dog has recently laid. Fever, lethargy, anorexia, and depression may or may not be present.

If the cervix is closed, pus that forms is not able to drain to the outside. It collects in the uterus ultimately causing the abdomen to distend. The bacteria release toxins that are absorbed into the bloodstream. Dogs with closed pyometra become severely ill very rapidly. They are anorectic, very listless and very depressed. Vomiting or diarrhea may also be present.

Toxins released by the bacteria affect the kidney's ability to retain fluid. Increased urine production occurs, and many dogs drink an excess of water to compensate. Increased water consumption may occur in both open- and closed-cervix pyometra.

How is pyometra diagnosed?
Dogs that are examined early in the course of the disease may have a slight vaginal discharge and show no other signs of illness. However, most dogs with pyometra are seen later in the illness. A very ill female dog with a history of recent "heat" that is drinking an increased amount of water should be suspected of having pyometra. This is especially true if there is a vaginal discharge or a painful, enlarged abdomen.

Dogs with pyometra usually have a severe elevation of the white blood cell count and often have an elevation of globulins (a type of protein often associated with the immune system) in the blood. The specific gravity (concentration) of the urine is generally low due to the toxic effects of the bacteria on the kidneys. However, these changes are non-specific and may be present in any dog with a major bacterial infection.

If the cervix is closed, radiographs (x-rays) of the abdomen will often identify the enlarged uterus. If the cervix is open, there will often be such minimal uterine enlargement that the radiograph will be inconclusive. An ultrasound examination may be helpful in identifying an enlarged uterus and differentiating that from a normal pregnancy. Ultrasound changes that indicate pyometra include increased uterine size, thickened uterine walls, and fluid accumulation within the uterus.

How is pyometra treated?
"The preferred treatment is to surgically remove the infected uterus and ovaries..."
The preferred treatment is to surgically remove the infected uterus and ovaries, or perform an ovariohysterectomy ("spay"). Dogs diagnosed in the early stage of the disease are very good surgical candidates. The surgery is somewhat more complicated than a routine spay at this stage. However, most dogs are diagnosed with pyometra when they are quite ill resulting in a more complicated surgical procedure and a longer period of hospitalization. Intravenous fluids are required to stabilize the dog before and after surgery. Antibiotics are usually given for two weeks after surgery.

My dog is a valuable breeding female. Is there a treatment other than surgery?
There is a medical approach to treating pyometra, although the success rate is widely variable and not without considerable risk and potential long-term complications. Prostaglandins are a group of hormones that lower the blood level of progesterone, relax and open the cervix, and cause the uterus to contract and expel bacteria and pus. They can be used to treat this disease, but they are not always successful and have some important limitations.

1.  They cause side effects including restlessness, panting, vomiting, defecation, salivation, and abdominal pain. The side effects occur within about fifteen minutes after administration and often last for a few hours. They become progressively milder with each successive treatment. The pain may be decreased by walking or exercising the dog for about 30 minutes following an injection.

2.  There is no clinical improvement for about forty-eight hours, so dogs that are severely ill and need immediate life-saving treatment are poor candidates.

3.  Because prostaglandins cause the uterus to contract, it is possible for the uterus to rupture and spill infection into the abdominal cavity resulting in the severely life-threatening condition known as peritonitis. This is most likely to happen when the cervix is closed.

There are some important statistics that you should know about this form of treatment:
1.  The success rate for treating open-cervix pyometra is approximately 75-90% in uncomplicated cases.
2.  The success rate for treating closed-cervix pyometra is only about 25-40%.
3.  The rate of recurrence of the disease in a treated dog is generally thought to be as high as 50-75%.
4.  The chance of future successful breeding is decreased to about 50-75%. 

What happens if I don't treat my dog?

The chance of successful resolution without surgery or prostaglandin treatment is extremely low. If treatment is not performed quickly, the toxic effects from the bacteria will be fatal in many cases. If the cervix is closed, it is possible for the uterus to rupture, spilling the infection into the abdominal cavity. This will also be fatal. Pyometra is a serious medical condition that requires prompt treatment.


Distemper in Dogs

Distemper is a highly contagious disease caused by a virus similar to the one that causes measles in people. Worldwide, it is the leading cause of infectious disease deaths in dogs, although in the United States it occurs only sporadically. All unvaccinated dogs are at high risk of infection.

Infected animals shed canine distemper virus in all body secretions. Inhaling the virus is the primary source of exposure. The highest incidence of the disease occurs in unvaccinated puppies 6 to 12 weeks of age, at which time maternal antibodies fall below protective levels.
Half the dogs who become infected with canine distemper virus show mild signs of illness or no signs at all. The overall health of the dog has a lot to do with how ill he becomes. The disease is most severe in dogs who are poorly nourished and ill-kept.

The distemper virus tends to attack brain cells and cells that line the surfaces of the body, including the skin, the conjunctiva, the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract, and the gastrointestinal tract. The disease takes a variety of forms. Secondary infections and complications are common, partly attributable to the immunosuppressive effects of the virus.

The first signs of distemper appear six to nine days after exposure, and in mild cases go unnoticed.
First stage is characterized by a fever spike of up to 103° to 105°F (39.4° to 40.5°C). A second fever spike is accompanied by loss of appetite, listlessness, and a watery discharge from the eyes and nose. These symptoms may be mistaken for a cold.

Within a few days, the eye and nasal discharge becomes thick, yellow, and sticky. The dog develops a pronounced dry cough. Pus blisters may appear on the abdomen. Vomiting and diarrhea are frequent and may cause severe dehydration.

During the next one to two weeks, very often the dog seems to be getting better but then relapses. This often coincides with the end of the course of antibiotics and the development of gastrointestinal and respiratory complications due to secondary bacterial invasion.

Second stage occurs two to three weeks after the onset of the disease. Many dogs develop signs of brain involvement (encephalitis), characterized by brief attacks of slobbering, head shaking, and chewing movements of the jaws (as if the dog were chewing gum). Epileptic-like seizures may occur, in which the dog runs in circles, falls over, and kicks all four feet wildly. After the convulsive episode the dog appears to be confused, shies away from his owner, wanders about aimlessly, and appears to be blind.

In cases with brain involvement in which the diagnosis is uncertain, a spinal tap and analysis of cerebrospinal fluid may be of assistance. But this is not always diagnostic. Another indication of brain involvement is distemper myoclonus, a condition characterized by rhythmic contractions of muscle groups at up to 60 contractions per minute. The jerking can affect all parts of the body, but is most common in the head. Myoclonus is first seen when the dog is resting or sleeping. Later it occurs both day and night. Pain accompanies myoclonus, and the dog whines and cries. If the dog recovers, the jerking continues indefinitely-but becomes less severe with time.

Hard-pad is a form of distemper in which the virus attacks the skin of the feet and nose, producing thick, horny skin on the nose and calluslike pads on the feet. It first appears about 15 days after the onset of the infection. At one time, hard-pad and encephalitis were thought to be separate diseases, but they are now recognized as being caused by different strains of the distemper virus. Hard-pad is much less common than it was in the past, due to better vaccines and increased use of vaccines.

Treatment: Distemper must be treated by a veterinarian. Antibiotics are used to prevent secondary bacterial infections, even though they have no effect on the distemper virus. Supportive treatment includes intravenous fluids to correct dehydration, medications to prevent vomiting and diarrhea, and anticonvulsants and sedatives to control seizures.

The outcome depends on how quickly you seek professional help, the virulence of the distemper strain, the age of the dog, whether he has been vaccinated, and his ability to mount a rapid and effective immune response to the virus.

Prevention: Vaccination against canine distemper is almost 100 percent protective. All puppies should be vaccinated by 8 weeks of age. Brood bitches should be given a DHPP (distemper, hepatitis, parvovirus, and parainfluenza combination) booster shot two to four weeks before breeding. This ensures that high antibody levels will be present in the colostrum. However, some veterinarians believe this additional vaccine booster is not needed.


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