Saturday 1 November 2014

Uroliths (Bladder Stones) in Cats

Urethrostomy in Dogs and Cats

Urethrostomy is a useful procedure to bypass the penile urethra, when a disease Reviews such as a stricture, stone or tumor is Preventing urination

Urethrostomy is most commonly used in gay male cats that have developed urinary blockage multiple times

In some cases the urethrostomy Usually is a permanent and is not reversed

Usually the prognosis is good, but the pet must be observed for urinary tract infections

Wednesday 22 October 2014

Avian/Exotic Pets

Avian and Exotic Pet services at Paws & Claws provide dedicated, advanced veterinary care for exotic pets, including:

Guinea pigs
Sugar gliders

Diagnostic and therapeutic procedures include 24-hour animal hospitalization

Patients can be seen by appointment for any medical need, with or without a referral; referred cases are transferred back to the family vet as soon as appropriate. After-hours emergency service is usually available with Jeffry Wahyudi, DVM

Paralysis in dogs

Conscious proprioception (CP) can be very important tool to detect subtle dysfunction and confirm that neurologc disease is present when other signs are minimal, the animal is supported under the chest ot between the pelvic limbs, and the paw is turned so that the dorsal surface contacts the ground. The animal should return the paw to the correct position within a few seconds. The animal should not lean against the examiner, or should the examiner support all of the animal’s weight. Consistent CP deficits indicate a nervous system lesion and are not caused by an orthopedic disease

Absent conscious proprioception; the dog stays standing on the dorsal surface of the paw indicating a neurologic lesion

Monday 20 October 2014



Mummification occurs when intrauterine fetal death is not followed by expulsion, and the uterine contents remain sterile but become dehydrated.
It is almost universally associated with twin pregnancy.
Mummification of one member of a set of twins happens occasionally during normal gestation and has no apparent significance in terms of reproductive capacity of the mare.

Diagnosis :

Differential diagnosis
Abortion    .

Clinical signs
No obvious outward clinical signs.
When the fetal membranes are examined at foaling, the mummified co-twin is barely recognizable as a fetus.
A palpable absence of fetal fluid.
The uterus is contracted around the fetus.
If the fetus has been dead for some time and has become dehydrated, the angularity of the skeleton will be obvious.


The reproductive potential of mares treated for fetal mummification and maceration is unknown, but is probably compromised.

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